
Category Document Title Document Description Download
L400 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L460, L462, L463
Schlage L-Series Gen 2 Indicator Template LG201
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator L/LV9050, L/LV9056, L/LV9060,L/LV9071, L/LV9077, L/LV9456,L/LV9457, L/LV9458, L9466, L9473, L/LV9480, L/LV9485
L9000 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L/LV9060, L/LV9071, L/LV9077, L/LV9457, L/LV9458, L9466
L400 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L460, L462, L463
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L9460, L9462, L9463
L400 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L464
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions L9464
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L/LV9050, L/LV9056, L/LV9060,L/LV9071, L/LV9077,L/LV9456, L/LV9457,L/LV9458, L9466, L9473, L/LV9480,L/LV9485
Schlage S Series Templates Index S Series door prep templates S10, S40, S170, S51, S70, S80
L9000- Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L/LV9040, L/LV9044, L/LV9050,L/LV9056, L/LV9060, L/LV9071, L/LV9077, L/LV9440, L/LV9444, L/LV9456, L/LV9457, L/LV9458, L9466, L9473, L/LV9480, L/LV9485
L-Series Gen2 Indicator Door Template Index
L9000 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L/LV9040, L/LV9044, L/LV9440,L/LV9444
Schlage HL6/PL7/PL8 Templates Index hospital latch; mechanical lock; HL6-9000;
Schlage ND Series Templates Index ND-Series; mechanical locks; templates; strikes; door preparation
L400 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L460
Schlage A Series Templates Index
Schlage L Series Combined All Templates L series;L;LV;LM;LMV;9000;L9000;L-9000;L400;L-400;LV9000;LV-9000;LM9000;LM-9000;LMV9000;LMV-9000
Schlage CS200 Series Templates Index CS210; CS210-B60; CS210-B500; interconnect; interconnected; mechanical lock;
Schlage ALX Series Templates Index ALX-Series; ALX10; ALX40; ALX44; ALX50; ALX53; ALX70; ALX80; mechanical locks; door preparation template;
L9000 Series Gen 2 Indicator L9460, L9462, L9463
L400 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L462, L463
Schlage S200 Series Templates Index
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator Lock Case Dimensions
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator
L9000 Series Gen 2 Indicator L/LV9040, L/LV9044, L/LV9050M K/LV9056M L/LV9440, L/LV9444, L/LV9456, L9473, L/LV9480, L/LV9458
L9000-Series Door edge preps
L9000-Series Gen 2 IndicatorL/LV9040, L/LV9044, L/LV9050,L/LV9056, L/LV9060, L/LV9071,L/LV9077, L/LV9440, L/LV9444,L/LV9456, L/LV9457, L/LV9458, L9466,L9473, L/LV9480, L/LV9485
Schlage LT Series Templates Index LT-Series; LT170; LT172; LT10; LT40; 10-001; 10-004; 10-025; 10-026; 10-027; door preparation
Schlage L9000 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions L9460
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator functions L/LV9040, L/LV9044, L/LV9440, L/LV9444
L400 Series Door edge preps
Schlage B600, B700, B800 Templates Index Schlage B600, B700, B800 door prep template B660, B661, B662, B663, B760, B761, B762, B763, B860, B861, B862, B863, B664, B764, B864, B680
L9000-Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions L9462, L9463
L9000 Series Gen 2 Indicator Functions: L/LV9070, L/LV9076, L9465
L400-Series Gen 2 Indicator Lock Case Dimensions
Schlage_B581_Door_Prep_Metal_Door_Flat_Circular_Faceplate_Template_-_English_102517 mechanical locks; B-series; b series; B571; B 571; B581; B 581; door preparation; metal door; flat; circle; B937
Schlage_B581_Door_Prep_Wood_or_Composite_Door_Flat_or_Bevel_1-1_8_Square_Corner_Faceplate_Template_English_102518 mechanical locks; B-series; b series; B571; B 571; B581; B 581; door preparation; wood door; composite door; flat; beveled; 118; 11/8; squared; B938
Schlage_B581_Door_Prep_Metal_Door_Flat_or_Beveled_1_Square_Corner_Faceplate_Template_English_102514 mechanical locks; B-series; b series; B571; B 571; B581; B 581; door preparation; metal door; flat; bevel; one inch; squared; B934
Schlage_B571_B581_Door_Prep_Wood_or_Composite_Door_Flat_Circular_Faceplate_Template_-_English_102516 mechanical locks; B-series; b series; B571; B 571; B581; B 581; door preparation; wood door; composite door; flat; circle faceplate; B936
Schlage B500 Series Combined All Templates L series;L;LV;LM;LMV;9000;L9000;L-9000;L400;L-400;LV9000;LV-9000;LM9000;LM-9000;LMV9000;LMV-9000
Schlage_B581_Door_Prep_Metal_Door_Flat_or_Beveled_1-1_8_Square_Corner_Faceplate_Template_English_102519 mechanical locks; B-series; b series; B571; B 571; B581; B 581; door preparation; metal door; bevel; 118; 11/8; squared; B939
Schlage_B571_B581_Door_Prep_Wood_or_Composite_Door_Flat_or_Bevel_1_Round_Corner_Faceplate_Template_English_102515 mechanical locks; B-series; b series; B571; B 571; B581; B 581; door preparation; wood door; composite door; flat; beveled; one inch; rounded corner; B935
Electronic Locks Schlage LE Series Wireless Lock Templates LE Series; Electronic Locks; door preparation; LEMS; LEMB; LEMD;
Electronic Locks Schlage AD Series Combined All Templates AD-CY;AD-MS;AD-MD;AD-993R/S;AD-993S;AD-993R;AD-993;exit devices;exits;exit trim;cylindrical;mortise;mortise deadbolt;metal;wood;AD-100;AD-200;AD-250;AD-300;AD-400;AD-220
Electronic Locks Schlage Control Smart Deadbolt door prep no holesBE467F.pdf Control, Electronic Locks BE467
Electronic Locks Schlage Control FE410F Deadbolt Door Prep with No Existing Holes Schlage Control; installation; template; door prep; FE410F; FE410; interconnect
Electronic Locks Schlage XE360 Series Template Index
Electronic Locks Schlage Control Deadbolt (BE467) door template w/ existing holes Electronic Locks
Electronic Locks Schlage Control Smart Interconnect door prep existing holes (FE410F) Control Smart Interconnect (FE410)
Electronic Locks Schlage XE360 Series Template Retrofits
Schlage HL6/PL7/PL8 Templates Index hospital latch; mechanical lock; HL6-9000;
Schlage ND Series Templates Index ND-Series; mechanical locks; templates; strikes; door preparation
Schlage L Series Combined All Templates L series;L;LV;LM;LMV;9000;L9000;L-9000;L400;L-400;LV9000;LV-9000;LM9000;LM-9000;LMV9000;LMV-9000
Schlage M400-Series M420 Standard Application Template electromagnetic locks; M400 series; M420; M 420; 4448730
Schlage M400-Series M490G Swinging Application Template electromagnetic locks; M400 series; M490G; M490 G; M 490 G; swinging application; 44488914;
Schlage M400-Series M422 Standard Application Template electromagnetic locks; M400 series; M422; M 422; standard application; 44487387
Schlage M390RFK Lock Template electromagnetic locks; M390RFK; M390 RFK; M 390 RFK; 24229445
Schlage M400-Series M420TJ Top Jamb Application Template electromagnetic locks; M400 series; M420TJ; M420 TJ; M 420 TJ; Top jamb; 44487353
Schlage M400 Series Electromagnetic Locks, Retrofit Overlays Templates - English electromagnetic locks; M400 series; retrofit overlays; 23688823;
Schlage M400 Series General Product Dimensions electromagnetic locks; M400 series; M 400 series; 24022451;
Schlage M400-Series M422TJ Top Jamb Application Template electromagnetic locks; M400 series; M422TJ; M422 TJ; M 422 TJ; top jamb; 44487411
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